Bile acids

Bile acids are steroid acids found in bile. They are conjugated with taurine or glycine amino acids to give bile salts (which have anionic characters). Their role is faciliating the digestion of dietary fats. fat soluble Vitamins and oils (digestory surfactants). The primary bile acids are, cholic and chenodeoxycholic acid and are synthesized in the liver. The gall bladder stores and concentrates bile during the fasting state. Hepatic synthesis of bile acids accounts for the majority of cholesterol breakdown in the body. Each day 500 mg of cholesterol are converted to bile acids and eliminated in bile. In the intestines, primary bile acids are converted into deoxycholic acid and litocholic by intestinal bacteria. These bile acids are called the secondary bile acids.
Interpretation: Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) is a liver disorder which occurs during pregnancy. This condution affects the flow of bile thus bile acids begin to build up in blood. This increases the fetal distress, preterm birth or stillbirth. In the colon, bile acids are reabsorbed back into the bloodstream so they can be used again. If there is Bile Acid Malabsorbtion (BAM), too much bile acid in colon causes diarrhea and watery stool. A lack of bile salts can cause build up of toxins. Bile acid deficiency may also cause a problem with the formation of hormones as most of the hormones are made from fats. Deficiency of bile acids may be a genetically predisposed to produce wrong formated bile acids. Decreased bile acids is also responsible for delayed gastric emptying, acute liver disease or cirrhosis.
Sample: Arm vein blood.Fasting
Working day: Everyday
Result Time: Same day 6:00 PM